Adding PLM Process Configuration users
If you attempt to access the application using an unauthorized user account, you receive an unauthorized user message. Here is an example.
Unauthorized User: optivaserver\jsmith
The PLM Process Configuration application uses Integrated Windows
Authentication (IWA). The user must be a member of at least one group that is configured
for access to the application on optivaserver
In the appSettings
section of the FsOptivaConfig/Web.config file, the
roles are defined as a semi-colon delimited list of user groups.
<!--The user accessing FsOptivaConfig must be a member of one of the local groups listed in the roles setting-->
<add key="roles" value="PLM Process Configuration Users;Administrators"/>
The user accessing the PLM Process Configuration application must be a member of at least one of the groups in this list. The default “PLM Process Configuration Users” group does not exist. To use that group, you must create it manually.