Formula example

The dosage function is used to calculate the maximum dosage at which the formula is IFRA compliant for a specific end use application. In this example, you are calculating the maximum dosage for the end use application that pertains to Skin Contact Leave On.

The results are displayed in the SKIN CONT.LEAVE ON parameter. The IFRA_RESULT parameter indicates whether the test passed or failed.

  1. Create a formula, FD2\0001, with these ingredients. Only item 01001 has an item guideline for dosage.
  2. Click the Classification tab. Then, assign the formula to the DOSAGE set.
  3. Click the Context tab. Then, specify a context attribute of End Use and a value of SKIN CONT. LEAVE ON.
  4. Specify 20 for the IFRA_TARGET parameter. Then, click Dosage Calc.

    A failure message is displayed. According to the item guideline, the quantity of the item must be decreased by 1.0000% to be compliant with the Dosage regulation.

    The value for the SKIN CONT.LEAVE ON parameter represents the maximum dosage that the formula must pass the dosage test. For this example, the value is 10.0.

  5. Change the quantities of the ingredients.
    Item Code New Quantity
    01001 1.0 KG
    01004 99.0 KG
  6. Keep the same values for End Use and the IFRA_TARGET parameter. Then, click Dosage Calc.
    The message IFRA Check Passed for the specified context attributes at 20% Dosage is displayed.
  7. View the parameter values.
    The test was successful. The value of SKIN CONT.LEAVE ON is blank now. The IFRA RESULT value is Pass instead of Fail.