Labs control data and users
When users log into a lab, they are exposed to only the data that is relevant to them based on their roles and groups. This makes searches and list selections less cumbersome.
Users generally use data from a single lab. Sometimes, data from other labs should be made available too. For example:
- Base formulation lab develops formulas
- Additive lab copies base formulas and adjusts them to add color or flavor additives
- Testing lab sees formulas and reports findings from tests
- Packaging lab copies base formulas and adds packaging ingredients
Labs control this information.
- Optiva menus. Each lab can be assigned a group of Optiva forms. These forms are pertinent to the lab.
- Optiva behavior. User profiles control how data is displayed and other behaviors for users who are logged into the lab.
- Object data. Some objects are directly identified in labs, such as parameters and equations.
- Other object data, such as formulas and items, is assigned to labs through sets.