Alternate units of measure for parameters

Each technical parameter in Optiva is defined with a unit of measure. The unit can consist of two parts; a numerator or Extended UOM and a denominator or Per UOM. In practice, companies can have different geographies, business units or other divisions. It may be necessary to see the parameter values displayed in a different but equivalent measuring system.

To support this, Optiva Alternate Units are conversions between identical units of measure types in different measurement systems, for example English versus Metric.

Equations use information that resides somewhere other than the object. Perhaps, it resides from some currency conversion table.

Alternate units of measure can be used in:

  • Items
  • Formulas
  • Projects
  • Specifications
  • Comparisons

An alternate unit of measure is specified as the default for a parameter filter. When the filter is applied, the alternate units of measure are displayed; any values that were specified for the base value are converted.