Example for custom buttons

A typical entry for a web custom button looks like this:

Save Preview;/FsOptivaWeb/images/

This string is split by the semi-colons. The segments are described in the table.

Segment Description
Save Preview The tool tip if this is an image button or the textfor a text button.
FsOptivaWeb/images/svPreview.png The path to the icon for this button. If this segment is left empty, a text button is displayed.
CC This should always be CC.
StartWorkflow This must be StartWorkflow. If it is any othervalue, the button is not generated.
[%SYMBOL] The symbol that the workflow is launched on. [%SYMBOL] is replaced with the symbol ofthe current object.
[%SKEY] The key that the workflow is launched on. [%SKEY] is replaced with the key of the current object.
SVPRVW The name of the Action Set that is launched.
1 The StartInd.
  • 0 shows the workflow to the user. The user can specify values.
  • 1 runs the workflow without any dialog.

Creating a simple text custom button

You can create a custom button without any icon, but a simple rectangle with text. An entry for a custom button using simple text would look like this:

Launch Approval;Launch New Item Approval Workflow;CC;StartWorkflow;[%SYMBOL];[%SKEY];SUBMIT_ITEM_APP;1
Segment Description
Launch Workflow The text that will be displayed on the button. Should be kept to a minimum.
Launch New Item Approval Workflow The tool tip or same text as the button.

Creating a custom button from the System Icons

You can create a custom button from the system icon. An entry for a custom button using the icons from the System Icons would look like this:

Send E-mail;icon-mail;CC;StartWorkflow;[%SYMBOL];[%SKEY];SAMPLE EMAIL APPROVE;0
Segment Description
Send E-Mail The tool tip if this is an image button or the text for a text button.
icon-mail Add icon- to the icon name from the System Icons.