Example of an ActionSetStart XML

In this example, the Workflow Action Set is TEST_ACTION_SET The User Code to launch the workflow is ADMIN. The workflow is launched on formula FML048\0001. The Object Symbol (i.e., object type) is FORMULA. The SRVROW_ID node is required and must match the Input No column in the Action Set > Input grid.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

Running a workflow with inputs via XML

You can include values for the input of a workflow via XML. You must provide a FSACTIONSETSTARTPARAM node for each input in the XML.

This example workflow has a single input:


You must list the ACTIONSET_CODE, SRVROW_ID, PARAM_CODE and PVALUE nodes. The ACTIONSET_CODE node must match the KEYCODE node in the Workflow Action Set. The LANGUAGE_CODE and REQUIRED_IND nodes are not necessary. The other nodes will assume default values.