Using public functions from the FSLIBIDMHELPER script library

The FSLIBIDMHELPER script library has generic and sample scripting functions.

Do not make a change to the FSLIBIDMHELPER script library. You can change a function by copying another script library and use the function with that script library instead.


To use the FSLIBIDMHELPER script library, you must:
  • Understand IDM functionality.
  • Understand the IDM Xquery syntax. You can use the IDM search in OS to understand the syntax.
  • Access IDM API documentation from the OS installation. Open https://yourOSServerName:9543/ca/index.html to access the IDM API documentation.
  • Understand and read documentation on the FSLIBIDMHELPER script library.
  • Understand the IDM .Net library. Open the IDM API documentation to learn about the .NET library. When you import a script to .NET in IDM, the script must include the code Imports DocICP = Infor.DocumentManagement.ICP.

This example shows how to use a public function from the FSLIBLIDMHELPER script library:

   Imports DocICP = Infor.DocumentManagement.ICP

       Dim IDMdocCode As String = "PRODUCT_DATA_SHEET_NA"
       Dim chk As String = IDMCHK.GetDocCount(IDMdocCode, _OBJECTSYMBOL, _OBJECTKEY)
        If chk = 0 Then
            Messagelist("IDMCHK = Fail", chk)
            Messagelist("IDMCHK = Pass", chk)
        End If

        If chk > 0 Then
            Messagelist("Vendor has completed task - update security access from WRITE to READ on specific Fields and Parameters")
            Messagelist("Vendor can add COMMENT to object Doc Code")
            Dim rc1 As Integer = SetSecurityACL("SPECIFICATION", _OBJECTKEY, "@", "USER", "VENDOR", -1)
            Dim rc As Integer = SetSecurityACL("SPECIFICATION", _OBJECTKEY, "@", "USER", "VENDOR", 3)

            Return 111

            MessageList("There are no technical data sheet documents. Please attach and save your work.")

            Return 1
        End If