Formula explosion in Workflows

Three detail types retrieve an exploded list of items for a formula in slightly different ways:

  • LINEEXP shows like-ingredients combined for all levels of formulas, not including constituents
  • LINEEXPRM shows like-ingredients combined for all levels of formulas, including constituents
  • LINELIST shows like-ingredients separately for all levels of formulas including constituents

The ObjProperty, ObjPropertySet, and ObjectsXMLForeign functions do not work with these detail types. For example:

dim icodes as object = ObjProperty("ITEMCODE.LINEEXP.A","","","*",1)

XML commands within reporting accept these detail types. For example:

Dim sXML as string = ObjectXML("", "", "HEADER;LINEEXPRM")


A pizza formula has two directly nested sub-formulas for dough and sauce. Raw material 01032 has a constituent formula. Raw materials 02047 and 19335 are used multiple times at various levels.

This table shows the results of exploding a formula.


Explode to Raw Material

Include intermediate Items

Combine like items


Explode to Constituents

Include intermediate items

Do not combine like items


Explode to Constituents

Include intermediate items

Do not combine like items

Line 1: Item = 50012

Line 2: Item = 18375

Line 3: Item = PREMIX

Line 4: Item = 02047

Line 5: Item = 04518

Line 6: Item = 19335

Line 7: Item = 20081

Line 8: Item = MIX

Line 9: Item = RISE

Line 10: Item = SHAPE DOUGH

Line 1: Item = FS-0011 (SF)

Line 2: Item = 50012

Line 3: Item = 18375

Line 4: Item = PREMIX

Line 5: Item = 02047

Line 6: Item = 04518

Line 7: Item = 19335

Line 8: Item = 20081

Line 9: Item = MIX

Line 10: Item = RISE

Line 11: Item = SHAPE DOUGH

Line 12: Item = FS-0013 (SF)

Line 1: Item = 50012

Line 2: Item = 18375

Line 3: Item = PREMIX

Line 4: Item = 02047

Line 5: Item = 04518

Line 6: Item = 19335

Line 7: Item = 20081

Line 8: Item = MIX

Line 9: Item = RISE

Line 10: Item = SHAPE DOUGH

Line 11: Item = 11547

Line 12: Item = 04053

Line 13: Item = 11287

Line 14: Item = 02044

Line 15: Item = 02027

Line 13: Item = 11547

Line 14: Item = 04053

Line 15: Item = 11287

Line 16: Item = 02044

Line 17: Item = 02027

Line 18: Item = 02047

Line 19: Item = 19335

Line 11: Item = 11547

Line 12: Item = 04053

Line 13: Item = 11287

Line 14: Item = 02044

Line 15: Item = 02027

Line 16: Item = 11215

Line 17: Item = 01028

Line 18: Item = 07057

Line 19: Item = 11260

Line 20: Item = 01032 (RM)

Line 20: Item = 11215

Line 21: Item = 01028

Line 22: Item = 07057

Line 23: Item = 11260

Line 24: Item = 01032 (RM)

Line 25: Item = 01011

Line 26: Item = 01114

Line 27: Item = 02047

Line 16: Item = 11215

Line 17: Item = 01028

Line 18: Item = 07057

Line 19: Item = 11260

Line 20: Item = 01011

Line 21: Item = 01114

Line 21: Item = BAKE Line 28: Item = BAKE

Line 29: Item = 02047

Line 22: Item = BAKE

Use this script to get the exploded items’ XML into a report.

Dim addedItems As New Hashtable     'not really needed unless using LINELIST detail
[unaffected script sections deleted] 

'Part 3 - define the XML details for the object(s) in question. Use only what is needed.
'Create an XML file for the object. Specify details to include.
sXML = ObjectXML("", "", "HEADER;LINEEXP")

'================   40

'Part 4 - make modifications to the xml
'Strip leading and trailing <fsxml> tags before loading XML fragment
sXML = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(sXML, "(<|</)fsxml.*?>", "")
'explodedFormula = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(explodedFormula, 
"(<|</)fsxml.*?>", "")

'Part 5 - some xml gymnastics to put things together correctly
' You can insert all XML(s) into the template without having to code a for/next loop
xfXMLobject = xdTemplate.CreateDocumentFragment()
xfXMLobject.InnerXml = sXML

'Find the XML node to insert the report data into.
xnRoot = xdTemplate.SelectSingleNode("/fsxml/report/object")
'Insert the object data into the template XML file.

'Add other schemas here, such as referenced objects, line items
Dim explodedFormula As New XMLDocument() 'create a new xml document and load the sXML 
string already 'defined. Will be used solely for getting a list of items in lineexp/
linelist/lineexprm detail explodedFormula.LoadXML(sXML)
Dim ExplodedItems As XmlNodeList = explodedFormula.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//
For Each ExplodedItem As XmlNode In ExplodedItems

  If Not addedItems.Contains(ExplodedItem.InnerText) Then    'not needed unless using 
    Dim XnItem As String
    XnItem = Workflow.ObjectXML("ITEM", ExplodedItem.InnerText,"HEADER;STATUS")

    'Strip leading and trailing <fsxml> tags before loading XML fragment
    XnItem = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(XnItem, "(<|</)fsxml.*?>", 

    'Allows for inserting all of the XML(s) into the template without having to code a 
for/next loop
    xfXMLobject.InnerXml = XnItem

    'Insert the object data into the template XML file.
    xnRoot = xdTemplate.SelectSingleNode("/fsxml/report/object")
    addedItems.Add(ExplodedItem.InnerText,ExplodedItem.InnerText)  'not needed unless 
  end if 'not needed unless using LINELIST detail
Next ExplodedItem

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