Retrieving all context values

This example retrieves all of the context values.

Dim oContext As Object= ObjProperty("ATTRIBVAL.CONTEXT", "", "", "*", 1)
Dim oType As Object = ObjProperty("ATTRIBCODE.CONTEXT", "", "", "*", 1)
For z As Integer = 0 to oContext.length-1
    MessageList("Context type ",oType(z), " is ", oContext(z))
Next z

The script returns this information:

01.Context type C_BRAND is PIZZA BARN
02.Context type C_ENDUSE is DINNER
03.Context type C_ENDUSER is ALL
04.Context type C_PRODTYPE is PIZZA
05.Context type MFGLOC is BERGEN OP ZOOM
06.Context type MFGLOC is MEXICO CITY
07.Context type MFGLOC is OAKVILLE
08.Context type MFGLOC is XINJIANG
09.Context type SELLOC is CANADA
10.Context type SELLOC is EU
11.Context type SELLOC is US