Configuring the Lookup Language tab
tab defines the display name that is used in the view or reference filter list. It also defines the captions for the results columns. These labels are language specific.Column | Description |
Column Labels | Specify the text for the column headings. Use
semi-colons to separate the list. For example:
For lookups, use this column with the Line Label column. The number of semi-colon delimited values must match the
number of columns in the custom query. (Blank labels count, like
Column Widths | Use with Column Labels. Specify the width of the
columns in the table. Use semi-colons to separate the list. For example:
Displays for views and results that start with the second
column. Start the column width list with a The number of semi-colon delimited values must match the number of columns in the custom query. This only applies the first time an user goes to a lookup. In subsequent trips, it defaults to the size that the user has resized the column width to. |
Language Code | Specify the language code that you require
for language-sensitive entries, such as column headings. For example:
EN-US or
Line Label | Specify the text for labeling the categories
for sorting the lookup objects. For example:
Formula by Keys or
Formula by Description .
Lookup Code | Specify the names of the references, views,
search results, or displays that are available. Use one row for each.
Names must match the entries in the Lookup tab. |
Lookup Sequence | This column controls the order in which
Lookups, Reference types, and Report View titles are displayed in the
References and
Reports tabs.
When this column is 0, the order is alphabetical. For example, select your formula and go to the References tab. The default order should be: Customers, Formulas, Ingredient Statements, Programs, Specifications, Vendors. Assigning numerical values to the Lookup Sequence column enables you to change the display order. For example, you can change the formula’s Reference tab display order to show the titles in this sequence: Programs, Specifications, Vendors, Customers, Formulas, Ingredient Statements. |
Title | Specify the text that is displayed on the
shortcut menu, drop-list, or lookup dialog. This text indicates the references,
results, views or lookups that are available.