Importing Costs from M3 to Optiva

There is some configuration needed on the Optiva side before you can start importing M3 costs to Optiva. First, you must set up a Location in Optiva.

            <Amount currencyID="USD">0.2000</Amount>
             <PerQuantity unitCode="LB">1</PerQuantity>
             <CostingMethodCode listID="Costing Methods">Standard</CostingMethodCode>
            <ID accountingEntity="733" location="N00">N00</ID>

The <WarehouseLocation> is used by Optiva to determine the location. In this example, the location in Optiva must be called N00; that location should be marked as a Mfg Location.

Then, a standard Cost parameter, such as COST_N00, must be configured to store the cost information. The <CostingMethodCode> must be defined in Optiva, too. Typically, it is Standard. So, on the parameter COST_N00, specify ATTRIBUTE3 as “STANDARD”.

If Attribute3 is already used, you must configure the code to use something else, but that is a code level customization.