Working with the Formula Modeler toolbar

The following buttons are available from the toolbar at the top of the Formula Modeler form:
  • Click Save As to copy a Formula Modeler to a new Formula Modeler. All data except Security tab and Attachments tab data.
  • Click Save to save the current Formula Modeler, all data on all tabs including the order of formulas in the Detail tab, except for the formula ingredient changes on the Detail tab. The formulas on the Detail tab each have their own Save button to save changes made to the formula ingredients.
  • Click Create New Object to create a new Formula Modeler object.
  • Click Perform Calculation to calculate all parameters on the formulas in the Detail tab. This will update the Before, After and Delta fields in the Detail tab > Parameters grid.
  • Click Check Constraints to check the high/low quantity constraint for the formulas in the Detail tab.
  • Click Export to Excel to export data to an Excel spreadsheet from the Ingredients and Parameters grids for all formulas on the Detail tab.
  • Click Create New Formula to create a new formula that automatically gets added to the tree and to the Detail tab.