Configuring Optiva for dosage

This table shows the script library, action, and action set that are provided by the system:

Object Name of the object
Action Set DOSAGE

The DOSAGE action set is used for formulas. This action set is available in the Optiva seed database in the Lookup by Sets lookup. This table shows the information in the Steps grid:

Action Code Object Symbol User Group
DOSAGE Formula @START Admin

To perform Dosage calculations in the system, the administrator must complete these tasks.

  1. Add context attributes to the C_ENDUSE enumerated list. This list provides the contexts that are pertinent to the end use of the formula.

    These values must match the parameters that are referenced in the DOSAGE Action script. Type the names exactly as they are shown here; include the appropriate spaces.

    Custom Value English
    SKIN CONT.WASH OFF Skin Wash Off
    SKIN CONT.LEAVE ON Skin Leave On
    NON SKIN CONTACT Non Skin Contact
  2. Assign the end use attributes to the formulas and guidelines for which you want to perform Dosage checks.
  3. Configure the parameters.
    1. The end use parameters are SKIN CONT.WASH OFF, SKIN CONT.LEAVE ON, and NON SKIN CONTACT; they contain the maximum dosage value that is calculated by the dosage workflow and that is allowed for the formula. For each one of these parameters, specify these values.
      Column Value
      Parameter Type Numeric Info
      Data Type Double
      Format 0.0#####
      Set Ind MinMax
      Min/Max range 0-100
    2. The IFRA_TARGET and IFRA_RESULT parameters are used for the dosage calculations.
      Parameter Name Parameter Type Data Type Set Ind
      IFRA_TARGET Numeric Info Long Any
      IFRA_RESULT Char Info String Any
  4. Add the Dosage parameters to the GLOBAL lab.
    Parameter Filter Source
    SKIN CONT.WASH OFF Information lab default
    SKIN CONT.LEAVE ON Information lab default
    NON SKIN CONTACT Information lab default
    IFRA_TARGET Information lab default
    IFRA_RESULT Information lab default
  5. Use the Filter form to create the IFRA_COMPLIANCE filter. This filter enables users to see the parameters that pertain to Dosage. The filter is accessible from the Parameters tab of the Item form and the Formula form.
    1. In the Main tab of the Filter form, specify this information.
      Column Value
      Filter Name IFRA_COMPLIANCE
      Description IFRA Compliance parameters
      Label IFRA Compliance
      Global Filter Select the check box.
      Security Read/Copy
    2. In the Parameters tab of the Filter form, assign the Dosage parameters to the filter.
  6. Open the Profile form.
    1. Use this profile attribute to create the Dosage Calc button for the Formula form.
      Profile Value
      WEBFORMULA.CB2 Dosage Calc;/FsOptivaWeb/Core/images_shared/custom_01.gif; CC;StartWorkflow; [%OBJECTSYMBOL];[%SKEY];DOSAGE;1
    2. Disable the FORMULASTATUS profile attribute by clearing the value. If you have trouble clearing the value in a SQL database, then delete the profile attribute.
  7. Add the DOSAGE set code to the Formula Symbol. Then, assign your formulas to the DOSAGE set.