Creating the source row tags
Source row tags are used for primary sources of input for equation calculations.
- Standard analysis
Take data from test results or other objects and analyze it.
- Comparison
Compare the current label value to the old and new formula. Find the difference between a new formula and an old formula and decide if changes are warranted to the values on the label. Apply the new values to the old values from the label, if necessary. For example, the old formula has 2000 IUs of vitamin A with a value of 700 in the label due to degradation and rounding. The new formula has 2200 IUs of vitamin A. The difference is 200 IUs. The new label lists 900 based on a calculation defined in an equation.
Or compare test results with the current label object.
Row tags in the enumerated list C_ANALYSISROWTAGSOURCE are used as input for equations.