Assigning byproducts

Byproducts are the ancillary products produced from a formula. They affect formula yield and parameters.

Byproducts are displayed in red text in the Formula Item Contributions form. For more information, see Working with the panes in the Formula Item Contributions form.

  1. Open the Formula form.
  2. Click the Byproducts tab.
  3. Specify this criteria.
    Item Code
    Use the Lookup to select the item(s) that you want to be the byproduct ingredient(s) for the formula.
    Enter an exact value here. This value is the quantity and UOM that the item represents of the total byproduct.

    Positive values calculate as a negative. For example, moisture loss.

    Negative values calculate as a positive. For example, fat gain.

    Specify the type of scaling for byproducts.
    • When a formula is scaled, most formula items retain their ratio to the total formula as they are scaled. Therefore, the default is Linear.
    • If you do not want this byproduct to scale with the formula, select No scaling.
    • You can also select Adjust to total to make this item the automated quantity sufficient ingredient. When you click Calculate, items marked as Adjust to total scale make the formula yield equal to the yield in the Main tab. Do not check the AutoCalc Yield box.
    Specify the unit of measure for the byproduct.
    Note: Byproducts are included in the parameter rollups, calculations, and costs, but may be modified in the Lab through the All or Ingredients Only source column.
