Equations that use row tags
In the Equations form, you can configure equations to use values from Analysis objects in the calculations. Analyses have many types of parameter values. Each parameter value is on a separate column of the analysis. Sources and results for these parameter values are on rows. You identify these values by row tags.
Equations reference the row tags to either retrieve input for calculations or to deposit results of calculations. For example, an equation has a calculation for percentage of recommended daily value for a nutrition label. The calculation uses the value of CALCIUM from rows with the SOURCE row tag as input. The resulting value is placed in the CALCIUM parameter of the PCT DV as a RECOMMENDED row tag.
Construct equations with references to row tags values. The name of the equation does not have to match the row tag.
The A_AVERAGED equation is associated with the AVERAGED result row tag in the analysis in the lab. The A_AVERAGED equation is also associated with the Analysis tab of the Analysis form. The source row tag contains input for the RowTag function of the equation. The equation puts the result in the AVERAGED row tag of the analysis.
Here is another example of the results of the calculation from an equation put into a result row tag of an analysis.
The A_RECOMMEND equation is associated with the RECOMMEND result row tag in the lab. The equation uses values from the AVERAGED row tag and puts the result in the RECOMMEND row tag because of the definition in the lab.