Navigation buttons

The navigation buttons that are shown in each tab of the wizard can vary. For example, the system administrator can configure one step to show the Reject button. Another step can be configured to hide that button.

Some of the navigation buttons, such as Next and Close, are supplied by the system. The standard wizard buttons are described in this table.

This table shows a brief description of the standard wizard buttons:

Standard Button Description
Close Saves your input values and exits the wizard. The wizard event is displayed in the Pending Tasks grid.

You can complete the workflow at a later date by clicking the Go To Wizard event in the Pending Tasks grid.

Cancel Closes the wizard without saving the input values and without launching the workflow. When you click Cancel, you are prompted to confirm that you want to exit the wizard.

Cancel is the equivalent of returning 9111. You can exit the wizard at any time and cancel the workflow.

Next or Finish Launches the workflow step and proceeds to the next step in the wizard, provided you have privilege to access the next step. It is tied to the APPROVE event, which is the equivalent of returning 111.

The Next button is the same as all of the other standard workflow event buttons, except for the label. The label is Next instead of Approve. On the last page, the label is Finish instead of Next.

If there is no Approve event on the action, then the Next and Finish buttons are not shown.

Previous Returns to the previous step unless that step has been marked as run only once. If the step has been marked to run only once, Previous is not shown.

In addition to the standard buttons, one button is shown for every event that is enabled for the action. For example, the Complete button can be shown.