Configuring for workflows

Before you use the Optiva Workflow features, some configuration is required by the system administrator. These tasks are described briefly here.

  1. Enable the Optiva symbols for workflow
    1. Select Symbols.
    2. Lookup the type of object that requires workflows.
    3. Select True for the Action Symbol.
    4. Save your changes.
  2. Create the function codes for notes and attachments.
    1. Use the ACTION symbol to define the function codes for the Action form.
    2. Use the ACTIONSET symbol to define the function codes for the Action Set form.
    3. Use the ACTIONWIP symbol to define the function codes for the Workflow in Progress form.
  3. Create the extension fields for the Actions and Action Sets forms.
  4. Configure the default profile for the Action form and the Action Set form.
  5. Configure the email notifications. You must specify the SMTP server, the user, and the Optiva server information in the Web.config file. This file is located in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FsSvcCore.
  6. Verify the value for OPTIVASERVER in the Web.config file. This file is located in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FsSvcCore. To execute a formula approval and reject workflow, this value must be the same name as the machine name of your Optiva server.
  7. Create the necessary files and codes for these functions.
    Function Create
    ExportXLS Excel template

    The Export Request Code

    LogAddRec Used for a new table and query:

    – Table

    – Query added to the database

  8. Configure these profile attributes.
    Profile Attribute Description
    WORKFLOW.LAUNCHSECURITYDFLT 0 - Do not enable workflow security on the Security tab of the Action Set form. All users can use the action set.

    1 - Enable workflow security on the Security tab of the Action Set form.

    WORKFLOW.MAXXMLDOC Specify the number of XML documents that can be open during a workflow execution. The default value is 20.
    APM.ENABLED 0 - Do not enable the arrow buttons in the Steps tab of the Action Set form. All steps are left-aligned.

    1- Enable the arrow buttons in the Steps tab of the Action Set form. Steps can be nested within other steps. Use this value to manage projects. Select the Stage Gate check box in the Action Set form and the Workflows in Progress form.

  9. Add the duration values, such as D for days, to the C_TASKDURATIONUOM enumerated list. These values provide the choices in the Steps tab of the Action Set form.
  10. Create or modify filters. These filters enable users to view the workflow tasks in the Pending Tasks form.