Ingredient Statement Rule - field descriptions
This page is used to create ingredient statement rules. Here, you define how the ingredient statement will appear.
- The items that will be included.
- The statement text that will appear for each item.
- Whether sub-labels and sub-items will be displayed or hidden.
- The sections of the ingredient statement.
- The child ingredient statements, if any, that will be processed by the rule.
Main tab
Your Optiva administrator may have created some special fields appropriate to your business practices. Because these are not standard to Optiva, they are not included in this help document. If you do not see the definition of a field, it is a custom field.
- Approval
- Select a code that describes the type of approval.
- Case Indicator
Select the case indicator from the list:
Default - uses the case that was entered when the ingredient was added to Optiva.
- Title - initial letter of each word is a capital letter
- Lower - all lowercase letters
- Upper - all uppercase letters
The Case Indicator is also applied to the Ingredient Statement Section and Subsection titles.
- Classification
Select a category for the object. An object belongs to only one class.
- Created By
- Shows the user who created the object.
- Creation Date
- Shows the date when the object was created.
- Hold
Select a code that describes the reason for stopping use of an object.
- Modified By
Shows the user who changed the object.
- Modify Date
Shows the date when the object was last edited.
- Rule Description
Enter or modify a short description of the object.
- Status
Select a code that describes the current state of the object in the release process.
- Text Sort Order
Optional entry. This field controls how ingredients of equal Quantity % will be sorted in the ingredient statement.
The primary sort order is controlled by the Quantity % field. The secondary sort order is controlled by the column you designate in the Text Sort Order field.
Suppose you have two ingredients, butter and eggs, that have an equal Quantity % of 10. The item descriptions are “Sweet Butter” and “Eggs”. If you sort on “Item Description”, then Eggs will appear before Sweet Butter in the ingredient statement.
- Type Indicator
Optional entry. You can select the name of the Item column that will be used to generate the statement text. If there is no statement text defaulting from the Ingredient Statement Rule.
For example, you can use the Item’s Alias 2 column value. In this case, when the rule is applied to the ingredient statement, the Item’s Alias 2 column value will appear in the statement text.
Security tab
This tab identifies who can access the object and the types of access privileges that are granted for the Owner, Group, and Role.
The Optiva administrator configures the default security for all objects of this type. You can specify the security for a specific object here. For example, you can assign the Owner full privileges (Read/Copy/Write/Delete), but partial or no access privileges to the Role and Group.
- Group
Select the security group for the owner of the object. If the owner belongs to more than one group, then the group owner selected during login is displayed here.
- Group Access
Select the level of access privileges the Group has to the object.
- Owner
- Shows the name of the user who created the object. If you have the
appropriate security privileges, then you can change the Owner by manually typing
another value or by selecting the
to navigate to the User page where you can view details about the object’s Owner.
. - Owner Access
Select the level of access privileges the Owner has to the object.
- Role Access
Select the level of access privileges the Role has to the object.
Classification tab
You can assign set(s) to Optiva objects. The values that are available for selection are configured by your Optiva administrator.
Sets are a useful method for categorizing your objects and for filtering data when performing lookups and searches. For example, food manufacturers can have separate classifications (set codes) for Baked Goods, Fast Food, Frozen Food, and so forth.
By default, objects are only shown in the lab in which they were created. Once you assign sets to an object, those objects can be seen by users in other labs.
To hide objects from other labs, do not assign them to a set.
Notes tab
You can enter free-form text comments for function (Doc) codes. The codes that are available for selection are configured by your Optiva administrator and can vary by object type.
If you are unable to edit your notes, then check with you administrator. It is possible that the function code is configured as read-only.
Attachments tab
You can attach text files, large graphic files, and/or URL addresses to an object. Graphic file attachments are displayed in the Thumbnail column.
The function (Doc) codes are configured by your Optiva administrator and can vary by object type. Your administrator also controls who can attach files, publish files, and access the published file location(s).
Published file attachments can be viewed by clicking the link. These files cannot be edited; you must change a local version of the file and re-attach the new version.
If you cannot open published file attachments or URL address links, then check with your Optiva administrator. You must have the appropriate Windows permissions or Internet browser capabilities.
Embedded Images tab
You can add graphic image files directly to the Optiva database. Because image files can consume a large amount of database space, it is recommended that you:
Embed image files only when absolutely necessary, such as for use in reports.
Use the Attachments tab, whenever possible, for adding image files to objects. Attachments point to a file system location rather than to the database.
The function (Doc) codes that are available in the Embedded Images tab are configured by your Optiva administrator and can vary by object type.
- Attach
Click the paperclip icon to open the pop-up window. Then, select the image file that you wish to embed with the object.
- Description
- Specify a description for the embedded image file.
- Doc Code
These read-only Function (Doc) codes are configured by your Optiva administrator.
- File Name
View the image in either the Thumbnail column or by clicking the link.
- Preview
The thumbnail image is displayed here. If you do not embed an image or if you embed an image that is not among the supported file types, a placeholder image is shown.
Ingredients tab
- Change the text that will appear in the ingredient statement for an item.
- Specify a reporting quantity threshold for an item..
- Assign a child ingredient statement and function code to an item..
- Comment
Optional entry. An informational comment that will not appear in the ingredient statement.
- Description
- Shows the description of the selected item.
- Function Code
Select a Document Code from the list. This code stores the item’s statement text in the database. This entry is optional if you define a
profile attribute. - Ingred Stmt
Specify a child ingredient statement for the item.
- Ingred Stmt Description
Shows the description of the child ingredient statement if one has been assigned to the item.
- Item Code
- Specify an item code.
- Item Description
- Shows the description of the Item Code.
- Option
The choices are:
- Ignore sub-items (default value)
- Explode sub-items
- Display sublabel
- Reconstitute
Child ingredient statements take precedence over this entry. Suppose the rule is set to Explode sub-items, but there is a child ingredient statement assigned to the item. In this case, the rule will be treated as if you selected Ignore sub-items.
- Report Qty%
Allows you to enter a reporting threshold for the item.
The ingredient will appear on the ingredient statement if its quantity equals or is above this amount.
If a global threshold has been defined for the item, then that value will display here automatically.
You can override the item’s global threshold value by entering a new value here.
.- Statement Text
Enter the text to use in the ingredient statement instead of the default text.
Sections tab
You can use this tab to define the sections of an ingredient statement by assigning Item Groups to them.
- Description
Select a heading for the section. Ingredients is the default section for items.
- Group Threshold
The quantity percent that is the criterion for items to be in this section. If you rearrange this section to be the first row in the table, Optiva will automatically place all ingredients with less than the group threshold percent in this section.
Use the default item group in the Item Group field because ingredients from any item group can be in this section.
- Option
- Choose to display or hide ingredients.
- Plural Name
Enter the name of the subsection. This label is only ever used when an Item Group contains more than one ingredient.
- Section ID
Shows the section ID number that is assigned by the system. The order of this column determines the order of the sections in the ingredient statement.
In the Subsections grid, this number refers to the row currently selected in the Section grid.
- Singular Name
Enter the name of the subsection. This label is used when an Item Group contains only one ingredient.
- Sort Threshold
Enter an amount below which the order of the ingredients can be changed.
- Sort Type
Sorts ingredients numerically in descending order (by Quantity %) or alphabetically in ascending order (by Statement Text).
- Subsection
Click the
button in this column to display the subsection for the selected section. - Total
Select No to display the percentage of each ingredient individually.
to display the total of all the ingredients in a subsection. Select
Here, you can view related object data. Some of the most common types of information include workflows.