Specifying an alternate unit of measure

By default, the filter uses the default unit of measure that is defined on the Parameter form. This is the UOM Extend field.

If the Display UOM in the Filter > Parameters tab is blank, then the UOM Extend value in the Parameter form is used.

You have the option of defining an alternate unit of measure for each parameter in a filter in the Display UM field. What happens when the user selects the filter in an item, formula, project, specification or comparison? Values for the parameters are converted to the alternate unit of measure.

When the user selects a filter, the equation to convert the unit of measure for the parameter is applied by the system.

This example shows that when the FARENHEIT filter is selected, the UOM for TEMP is Fahrenheit. It is not the base default of Celsius. The equation UM_CTOF is run to calculate the parameter value.

If the default filter (Celsius) is later used, then the alternate is changed back to the base. This is accomplished through the UM_FTOC equation.