Examples of Advanced Search

The Advanced Search dialog is accessible from the Home page.

This table shows some examples of Advanced Search:

Search Criteria Search Results
Must have "deep dish" dough.


Must have dough.

Exactly matches deep dish.

The results contain the exact string "deep dish" and the string ‘dough’.
Must not contain "deep dish". The results exclude strings that have "deep dish".
Must have dough.

Must not contain "deep dish".

The results contain the string ‘dough’, but exclude the strings that have "deep dish".
Must have ""deep dish"". The results contain the exact string "deep dish", including the quotes.

Exactly matches "dough".

Click Save and click Close to save the criteria for future use.

Open the Advanced Search dialog. Dough is displayed without the quotes in the Must have field.

Click Go. The search results include the strings with the word ‘dough’.

Exactly matches deep dish.

Click Save and click Close to save the criteria for future use.

Open the Advanced Search dialog. Deep dish is displayed without the quotes in the Exactly matches field.

Click Go. The search results include the strings with the phrase ‘deep dish’.

Must have "deep dish".

Click Save and click Close to save the criteria for future use.

Open the Advanced Search dialog. Deep dish is displayed without the quotes in the Exactly matches field.

Click Go. The search results include the strings with the phrase ‘deep dish’.

Must have "deep dish" "dough".

Click Save and click Close to save the criteria for future use.

Open the Advanced Search dialog. Deep dish is displayed without the quotes in the Exactly matches field. Dough is displayed without the quotes in the Must have field.

Click Go. The search results include only the strings that have both strings: ‘deep dish’ and ‘dough’.