
This example fetches the materials in a formula BOM. This shows the same information as the Item Contribution form.

Dim BOMXML As String = ObjectXML("FORMULAADJUST", _ObjectKey,
This example fetches the exploded materials in a formula BOM. This shows the same information as the Item Contribution form with the Explode Raw Materials option selected.
Dim BOMXML As String = ObjectXML("FORMULAADJUST", _ObjectKey,

This example fetches the material and non-materials items in a formula BOM. This shows the same information as the Item Contribution form with the Display Non-Materials option selected.

Dim BOMXML As String = ObjectXML("FORMULAADJUST", _ObjectKey,

This example fetches the exploded materials and non-materials items in a formula BOM. This shows the same information as the Item Contribution form with the Explode Raw Materials and Display Non-Materials options selected.

Dim BOMXML As String = ObjectXML("FORMULAADJUST", _ObjectKey,