Symbol - field descriptions


Symbols represent classes of Optiva objects, such as formula, specification, parameter and item.

Objects are instances of symbols. For example, you can create a pizza sauce formula called PIZZA_SAUCE\0001 which is an object of the Formula symbol.

The Symbol page enables you to extend objects through their symbol definitions. When you lookup objects, they are categorized by symbol. For example, only items can be entered in the Formula page > Item Lines tab.

This help topic describes all of the tabs that are available in the Symbol page. However, only a subset of these tabs are relevant for the Search<symbol> objects.

Multi-language support in the Symbol form

In the Symbol form, you can specify descriptions in different languages for:
  • Document codes
  • Classification sets
  • Status codes
  • Approval codes
  • Reference codes
  • Reference Status codes

When more than one language pack is installed, additional columns are displayed in these tabs.


You can use the buttons in the Toolbar to validate scripts or purge tracing data.
Click this button to validate the script language.
Purge Trace Data
Click this button to delete records from the Reports > Performance Tracing grid. See ScriptTrace.Purge in the Infor PLM for Process Application Configuration Guide for more.

Main tab

The Main tab is used to define general properties of the symbol.

Action Symbol
If you select True, you can:
  • Assign the symbol to a workflow action or action set.

  • Override the default symbol for a workflow action in an action set.

  • View all pending tasks for the symbol.

Select False to prevent users from running workflows for this object type.

Create Rules
Determines whether objects created under this symbol can or must use create rules. The choices are:
  • Not Supported - Rule codes cannot be used for creating objects under this symbol.

  • Supported - Rule codes can be used for creating objects under this symbol, but do not have to be used. Users can edit the Create Object field on the Create Object dialog.

  • Enforced - Rule codes must be used for creating objects under this symbol. There must be a rule defined for this symbol in order for this functionality to work correctly. Users cannot edit the Create Object field in the Create Object dialog.

Enable Tracing

Optionally, select this check box to record an entry to the related tracing table when the particular call to that script has completed. See the Infor PLM for Process Scripting Guide for more information about tracing records.

Reports tab

Shows the performance tracing records for the current symbol from either the Symbol VB Script or from a Copy Method (flagged to Enable Tracing) run for an object of this symbol type or from an Equation (flagged to Enable Tracing) run for an object of this symbol type.

Configuring for Change History

Using the Symbol form, you can configure Optiva to log historical data for certain objects. At a minimum, the Track Change History check box must be selected.

Track Change History

Specifies whether to capture the changes that are made when the object is saved. By default, this check box is not selected. To take advantage of Change History, select this check box.

To capture every change when an object is saved, leave the History Detail Codes and History Statuses fields blank.

History Detail

Optional. Specify the detail code(s) for which you wish to capture historical information.

When a user modifies a field that is associated with the detail code, the ‘before’ and ‘after ’ values are displayed in the Change History page for the saved object.

The HEADER detail is always tracked.

You can specify more than one detail code. Each detail code must be separated by a semi-colon. Examples are provided in the Optiva Application Configuration Guide.

History Statuses

Optional. Used only for set types /object type that support statuses.

Specify the status code(s) for which you wish to capture historical information.

For example, you may only wish to track changes to objects that have a Mfg Approved status. You may not want to track any changes to objects that have an Experimental status.

You can specify more than one status code. Each status code must be separated by a semi-colon.

Enable Tracing

Optionally, select this check box to record an entry to the related tracing table when the particular call to that script has completed. See the Infor PLM for Process Scripting Guide for more information about tracing records.

Document Codes tab

Here, you define the document codes and embedded image classifications for the symbol. In the object itself, users can enter a note, attach a file or URL address to a document code (i.e., function code).
These are the choices:
  • Text\Attachment - The function code can be used in the Attachments grid and in the Notes grid.

  • Embedded Objects - This choice enables you to use the Embedded Images tab to attach image files. Use caution in embedding files because they take up space in the database. You cannot use this choice when IDM is enabled.

  • URL - You can specify URL paths in the Attachments grid. URLs are stored in the Optiva database.

  • Attachments - The function code is only used in the Attachments grid. When IDM is enabled, attachments are uploaded to IDM. When IDM is not enabled, Attachments are published to a specified File Location.

  • Text - The function code is only used in the Notes grid.
Embedded File Type

Select C_FILETYPEIMAGES to enable users to select the file format for the embedded object.

Function Code

Enter the identifier for the documentation category in which to store notes about the data object.

For example, enter SAFETY here if you want to store information about health, flammability and reactivity.


Specify the order for sorting function codes. Sorting is done numerically (e.g., 1, 2 ... 10, 11).

Read Only

The default setting is False.

When set to True, Scripting will be used to update notes and attachments. Users will not be able to edit or attach a document to this function code even if they have security access to the underlying object.

Classification tab

Here you define the sets that will be used for the symbol. Users will assign sets to objects to help classify them according to your company standards.

Sets are a useful way to select objects, search for formulas, and replace ingredients.

Set Code
Enter the name of the set code (e.g.,SWEETENERS).

Select Yes to associate the set with a template. The template will include this set in its name.

When an object is assigned to this set, the attributes from the template will be added to the object automatically.

Custom tab

Use this tab to define rows on the Custom tab of any form for storing other information about an object. You can configure this data to allow users to enter single values or multiple values.

You can specify the format, such as if users will enter text, or select from a drop list or lookup. Decide how you want users to populate the field before you complete this tab.

Call Ind

Indicate whether the custom column’s entry will be validated. The choices are:

  • none - no validation
  • callback - calls the server object for validation.
  • key - validate against what is listed in the Key Check.

  • unused - reserved for future implementation
Case Force

Indicate whether all characters will be forced to uppercase or lowercase once users enter text in the custom field.

The choices are:

  • No forcing - text will not be forced.
  • Unused - Reserved for future implementation
  • Lower - force text to lowercase
  • Upper - force text to uppercase
Char Check

Indicate whether entries in the custom field are checked against character requirements.

The choices are:
  • none - no character check is performed
  • alpha all - checks to ensure all characters are alphabetic

  • alpha no punc - checks to ensure all characters are alphabetic with no punctuation (currently not implemented)

  • digits - checks to ensure all characters are numeric
Data Length

Enter the total number of characters the custom column can accept and store. The length of numbers and dates is determined by the data type.

For multi-value (multiple) value entries, the data length is restricted to 70 characters.

Data Type

Select the type of data the custom column stores.

The choices are: integer, long, double, date, string, autodescrip

DB Name

This column displays the custom column name to be stored in the database. It is recommended that all custom field names be preceded by C_, to identify customization during upgrades.

Enter the column’s name as it will be saved to the database, observing any format requirements of your system’s database.

Enum Code

Select an enumeration code from the list.

This entry is required if the Enum Ind column is set to Enum Val List and the Enum Style column is set to either drop-list or multi-value drop-list.

Enum Ind
Choose the type of enumerated list:
  • none - no enumeration
  • enum query - custom entry selected from an enumerated list built by a query; you must enter a selection under Enum Query

  • lookup code - custom entry selected from a lookup; you must enter a selection under Lookup Code.

  • enum val list - custom entry selected from an Optiva or custom enumerated list; you must enter a selection under Enum Code.

Other selections in this column are reserved for future implementation.

Enum Label
If the Enum Code column for this custom field contains a value, this column is required. Select from:
  • none - use the default language code value.
  • lang dependent - use the appropriate language code value according to the user’s language code.

Enum Query

Select an enumeration query for this custom field.

Omit the ENUM prefix from this column. For example, to use the ENUMSTATUS query, enter STATUS in this column.

Enum Style

Indicates the style for an enumerated list. Select from the drop list.

  • None
  • Checkbox
  • Lookup
  • Drop-down List
  • Date
  • Derived
  • Filtered
  • Multi-value
  • Multi-value Lookup
  • Multi-value Drop-list
  • Multi-value Date
  • Multi-value Keyed
  • Multi-value Filtered

For derived, filtered, and Multi-value filtered, setup dependencies in the Dependent Field Cross Reference page.

If the Data Type for the current row is Auto Description (29), then the Enum Style list shows the line numbers for the custom fields that are defined as lookups. See the Optiva Application Configuration Guide for an example.

Format Code

Indicate how to format displayed numbers. Use # for the number of places and 0 for the leading or trailing zeros.

Input Code

Enter the field to be validated by Optiva. If an Input Label is not entered, this code will be used as the label.

Avoid the underscore (_) if you plan to export custom fields to a spreadsheet where underscore (_) is a reserved character.

For derived fields, this is the Primary and Dependent field names already configured in the Dependent Field Cross Reference page.

Input Label

Enter the text you want to appear in the Name column on the Custom tab.

Input No
Shows a system-assigned line number.
Key Check

This entry is required if you selected key for the Call Ind column. Enter the symbol (object type) that will be used to call for the validation.

Lookup Code

This entry is required if you selected lookup code for the Enum Ind column and lookup or Multi-value lookup for the Enum Style column.

You may use an existing lookup or create your own.

Max Val

This entry is required if you selected minmax for the Set Ind column. Enter the maximum value against which to validate user entries.

Min Val

This entry is required if you selected minmax for the Set Ind column. Enter the minimum value against which to validate user entries.

Read Only
This column indicates whether users can enter data in the custom field being defined.
  • Select False to allow users to enter data for the custom field.

  • Select Read Only or No Entry to allow users to only view data.


Indicate whether the custom field must be completed prior to saving the object.

The choices are Required, Not Required, and Set blank string to NULL.

Search Ind

Specify whether the custom field will be visible in the Search page.

The choices are:
  • 0 - Not Searchable
  • 1 - Searchable
  • 2 - Searchable - Using SubCode

The Searchable - Using SubCode choice applies only to fields that have sub-coded validation entries.

Parameters (TPALL) are one example of sub-coded validation entries.

For more information, see the Optiva User Guide.

Search Style

Specify the format for the searchable column. This column is not relevant if Search Ind is set to Not Searchable.

The choices are:

  • 0 or Null - Standard text box
  • 1 - Range (ex. Param values, ingred qty %, creation/modify dates)

  • 2 - Multi-Select (“OR” is used) (ex. Status and class)

The Standard choice formats the searchable column as a text box, a drop-list, or a date calendar.

The Range choice displays a text box for a Min value and a text box for a Max value.

Range is not supported for Multi-value type fields.

The Multi-Select choice displays a multi-select text box and uses ‘OR’ logic to search for the multiple criteria values that are selected.

Multi-Select is not supported for Lookup type fields.

Status tabs

Here, you define the production stages in your company for assignment to data objects. These status codes can be used to locate data objects of a certain type and having a common status.

Status Id
Enter numeric values here.

Approval tab

Here, you define the types of approval objects that can be used in your company for this symbol.

Approval Code

Enter the approval code that you want to display to users. Enter alphanumeric values here.

Reference tab

Use this tab to configure reference codes for the symbol. These codes are used when an object is referenced from another object.

For example, suppose you add Raw Material as one of the reference codes for the Item symbol. When users view an object’s References tab and select the Item symbol, they will see Raw Material as one of the reference code choices.

Reference Code

Enter the reference code that you want to display to users.

Reference Status tab

Here, you configure the reference status codes for the symbol. These codes are used when an object is referenced from another object.

For example, suppose you add “Approved” as one of the reference status codes for the Item symbol. When users view an object’s References tab and select the Item symbol, they will see “Approved” as one of the reference status code choices.

Reference Status Code

Enter the reference status code that you want to display to users.

Script tab

This tab is used to define Optiva scripts that can be launched at specific events for the object listed on the Symbol page. See the Optiva Scripting Administration Guide for more information about scripts.

To check for syntax errors, click Validate.