Specifying formula yields

You can specify the formula Yield/Yield UM manually or calculate it automatically from the Item Lines and Byproducts.

  1. Open the Formula form.
  2. Select the Set Yield Automatically check box to calculate the Yield/Yield UM automatically.

    The calculation is: Yield/Yield UM = (Item Lines Qty total - Byproducts Qty total).

    For this example: 112.5 = (127.5 - 15.0)

  3. Specify this criteria.
    Process Yield%
    The percent of yield produced in the laboratory or manufacturing environment, after accounting for losses. Typically, mass production losses are different from development lab losses.

    This number is informational and has no effect on Optiva calculations.

    Set Yield Automatically
    Select this check box to provide automatic calculation of the Yield/Yield UM value.
    Yield %
    The percent of the theoretical yield produced, after taking losses into account. This number is informational and has no effect on Optiva calculations.

    For example, the formulator multiplies the theoretical yield by this percent to obtain the formulator or laboratory yield.

    Yield/Yield UM
    You can calculate this value automatically by selecting the Set Yield Automatically check box.

    The result is displayed in the designated unit of measure and is computed from the Quantity totals in the Item Lines and Byproducts.