Example for calculating hour duration tasks

This location calendar is used for the action set.

Standard Work Time Work Time Overrides
Monday through Friday
  • 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
  • Saturday and Sunday are non-workdays
11/5/2015 - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

11/9/2015 - Non-workday

11/11/2015 - 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

For tasks 1.1 through 1.4, only the location calendar that is assigned to the action set is used to calculate the task dates and times.

Task Start Date and Time Due Date and Time Duration
1.1 11/2/2015 8:00 AM 11/4/2015 5:00 PM 24 hours
1.2 11/4/2015 5:00 PM 11/13/2015 10:00 AM 32 hours
1.3 11/13/2015 10:00 AM 11/20/2015 10:00 AM 40 hours
1.4 11/20/2015 10:00 AM 11/24/2015 10:00 AM 16 hours
  • Task 1.1 has a start time of 8:00 AM; the actual work begins at 8:00 AM on 11/2/2015.
  • Task 1.2 starts immediately after Task 1.1 is complete.
  • For Task 1.2, the actual work begins on 11/5/2015. This is because the standard work hours end at 5:00 PM. The work time overrides are factored into the due date for this task.
  • Task 1.3 starts immediately after Task 1.2 is complete.
  • The work time overrides are factored into the due date for Task 1.3.
  • Task 1.4 starts immediately after Task 1.3 is complete.
  • Task 1.4 ends before the end of the day on 11/24/2015.

This table shows how the available work hours are calculated for each task.

Task Date Available Hours
Task 1.1

24 Hour Duration

11/2 8

The actual work begins at 8:00 AM.

11/3 8
11/4 8

Task 1.1 ends at 5:00 PM.

Task 1.2

32 Hour Duration

11/5 4
11/6 8
11/7 - 11/9 Non-workdays
11/10 8
11/11 2
11/12 8
Task 1.3

40 Hour Duration

11/13 8

Task 1.2 ends. (2 hours spent on this task.)

Task 1.3 begins. (6 hours spent on this task.)

11/14 - 11/15 Non-workdays
11/16 8
11/17 8
11/18 8
11/19 8
Task 1.4

16 Hour Duration

11/20 8

Task 1.3 ends. (2 hours spent on the task.)

Task 1.4 begins. (6 hours spent on the task.)

11/21 - 11/22 Non-workday
11/23 8
11/24 8

Task 1.4 ends. (2 hours spent on the task.)

There are 6 hours remaining in the day for the task that follows Task 1.4.