Non-stage gate action set

  1. Select the Full Elasticity check box in the Action Set form . This check box can be used with any object that launches a workflow. It is not limited to Advanced Workflow Management.
  2. Create a non-stage gate action set that has more than one task. Define the durations and units of measure for each task in the Action Set > Steps tab.
  3. Launch the workflow for an object.
  4. Complete a task early or late in the Pending Tasks grid. The Start Dates and Due Dates for the remaining open tasks are recalculated by the system.

The Elasticity functionality is not relevant for skipped tasks. When you skip a task, it is ignored by the system.

To see how the Full Elasticity check box is used with stage gate action sets, see the examples in the Infor PLM for Process Advanced Workflow Management User Guide.