Base language

If more than one label is defined for an item, the system searches for the closest Language/Category combination that matches the ingredient statement.

Suppose the ingredient statement is using Language = "EN-US", Category = "BAKERY". If there is an item label for EN/BAKERY and another for EN-US with a blank category, EN/BAKERY gets used first.

Here is the hierarchy that is used by the system to select the language.

  1. Look on the Item for "EN-US/BAKERY".
  2. Look for "EN/BAKERY". The base language of English in the US (EN-US) is English (EN).
  3. Look for "EN-US" with no category.
  4. Look for "EN" .
    Sequence Base Language Region Category
    2 EN -- BAKERY
    3 EN US --
    4 EN -- --