Configuring wizards to display an extension table based upon a dependent field selection
In this example, the Action Set > Step Inputs tab has two extension tables: Demo 100 and Demo 200. These tables are displayed in the wizard only when users select the dependent value of Packaging or Raw Materials from the Extension field list.
When users select Packaging from the Custom list, extension table Demo 100 is available for selection in the wizard. The other table, Demo 200, is grayed out and cannot be selected.
When users select Raw Materials from the Custom list, extension table Demo 200 is displayed in the wizard.
When users select Finished Goods from the Custom list, neither extension table Demo 100 or Demo 200 are displayed in the wizard. Why? There is no dependent field value of Finished Goods defined for either extension table in the Action Set > Step Inputs tab.
How are the custom values configured?
- The custom values are configured in the Enumerated List form. The name of the Enumerated List is C_CLASS.
- The Enumerated Code, C_CLASS, is assigned to the Extensions field in the ITEM Symbol > Extensions tab.
- The Extension field and enumerated code are added to the Action Set > Input tab.
How are the extension table definitions configured?
Demo 100 is configured to capture the packaging information (i.e., height, width, length).
Demo 200 is configured to capture the nutrition information (i.e., the parameter ranges for the raw materials).Both extension tables are added to the Action Set > Step Inputs tab. The Dep Field Value column controls when those extension tables are displayed in the wizard. The values that you specify for the Dep Field Value column are case-sensitive; they must match the Value column in the Enumerated List form.