Configuring web client users for translation
You can provide a consistent user experience inside of Infor Ming.le. The language that is used by Optiva for a user can be specified by putting a culture parameter in the URL to Optiva.
What if this parameter is not specified, or if the parameter matches none of the cultures in Optiva? Then Optiva uses the first culture that is specified in the browser options. The language that is specified on the User object is not used.
To find a match, Optiva first looks in its list of languages for an exact match of both the culture and the language. If it cannot find this, it looks in its list of languages for some other culture that has the same language. If Optiva cannot find a match for either the URL parameter or the browser culture, it uses the default language of English.
You can sign in to the web client outside of Infor Ming.le. To see labels, dates, and numbers in French, use this URL address: