Checking for values

Suppose the check includes Ingredient Percentage and the percentage of the item in a formula matches the range in the guideline; then, the item guideline is displayed.

If the check includes Parameter Value, and the parameter value in the formula matches the range in the guideline, the parameter guideline is displayed.


Do not use on skin in the USA and Europe if the percentage is greater than 

This guideline specifies:

  • End Uses: skin
  • Selling Locations: USA and Europe
  • Item Percentage: Above 5% - meaning display the guideline if the percentage is greater than 5% in the formula

The system administrator should construct guidelines so that they display when an item or parameter is used inappropriately in a formula.

The guidelines returned from a Guideline Check are a match between:

  • the amounts of items in the formula and the check criteria
  • the amounts in item guidelines and the check criteria