Calculating a formula from a parameter (Adjust)
Due to guidelines, restrictions or specifications, some parameters of a formula must be equal, greater than or less than specific values. Some of these parameters are based upon complicated calculations. It may not be clear which item(s) to change and by how much.
You must add parameter codes to the Lab > Adjust Parameters tab to adjust items in the Adjust Formula dialog.
The Adjust Formula function, in the Formula form, alters item amounts to achieve a user-defined value for a parameter. For example, to create a formula for low fat ice cream, adjust the items in a non-low fat version of ice cream. Allow the items’ cream, milk and non-fat milk to change and enter the desired fat content. The item quantities are adjusted by Optiva to arrive at the new fat content.
Only material and raw material items can be adjusted (not instructions or packaging, etc.)
Contact the system administrator if the dialog does not show the parameter(s) you want.