Finding all references to a user in the Optiva database

Per the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Optiva users have the right to request an accounting of their personal data.

Using the FindUserReferences action set, Optiva administrators can locate every occurrence of a user code in the database. This includes, but is not limited to, any workflows that were processed by the user.

In the User form:

  1. Click Launch Workflow.
  2. Select the FindUserReferences action set. This action set is available in the seed database in the Lookup by Sets lookup.
  3. Specify the Report Format. The table describes the value choices.
    Value Description
    Human readable text The results are displayed in a text format. There are no XML tags.
    Machine readable XML The results are displayed with XML tags.
  4. Click Start. The results are displayed in the appropriate format in the Message dialog.

The results include this information:

  • the table names in which the user code exists
  • the key values for those tables
  • the user code that you specified
  • the extension fields and extension tables that contain the user code

The contact information from the User object is always included in the results. If a Windows ID is defined, it is included too.