This function writes the report XML.
Public Function SaveReportData(xml As String) As String
This API reads a
Web.config option to find the name of the Web
Reports server. For example,
<add key = "SvcReportServerName" value="<your server>"
This method saves the XML file to this location on the configured Web Reports server. The method returns the complete path for the file in a string:
\\<ReportServerName>\SessionXML\<tenantID>\<XML file>
is the name that you see
in the drop-down list of the Optiva Login page.
The name of the file is constructed using the Action Set Code, WIP_ID, and a timestamp.
The file location is returned and can be passed to the FsWebReports product.
For information about exposing the SessionXML folder on the Web Reports server, see the Infor PLM for Process Installation Guide.
Create this Action:
Dim res As String = ObjectXML("ITEM","","TPALL")
Dim filePath As String = SaveReportData(res)
Run the Action. A message is displayed with the path to the location of the generated XML file. The XML file is written to the Report Server.