Business events that generate outbound BODs

This table shows the actions that generate an outbound BOD from Optiva:

Verb Noun Workflow action to generate the BOD
Sync BillOfMaterials A Sync.BillOfMaterials BOD can be generated by Optiva by running the PUB_SYNCBOM ActionSet from the launch workflow button available on the toolbar.
Acknowledge BillOfMaterials This scenario occurs only if the participating application sends a Process Bill Of Materials that cannot be processed by Optiva.
Confirm CustomerPartyMaster This scenario occurs only if the participating application sends a Sync CustomerPartyMaster that cannot be processed by Optiva.
Process ItemMaster A Process.ItemMaster BOD can be generated by Optiva by running the PUB_PROCITEMMASTER ActionSet from the launch workflow button available on the toolbar.
Confirm ItemMaster This scenario occurs only if the participating application sends a Sync ItemMaster that cannot be processed by Optiva.
Confirm SupplierPartyMaster This scenario occurs only if the participating application sends a Sync SupplierPartyMaster that cannot be processed by Optiva.
Sync SecurityRoleMaster A Sync.SecurityRoleMaster BOD can be generated by Optiva by running the PUB_SYNCROLEMASTER action set from the launch workflow button available on the toolbar.