Adding a subsection

The order in which sections and subsections are added to the Ingredient Statement Rule is important. It is the same order in which they are displayed in the ingredient statement.

  1. Select the section (i.e., Ingredients) in which you want the subsection (i.e., Nuts) to be displayed.
  2. Select the Item Group (i.e., Nuts) for the subsection.
  3. Specify a plural and singular name for the subsection title.
    • If there is more than one item in the group, the plural name is applied to the ingredient statement.
    • If there is only one item in the group, the singular name is applied.
  4. Choose to show or hide the ingredients for the Item Group.
  5. Use the Total column to choose whether to show or hide the subsection’s total quantity percentage.

    If you select Yes from the Total column, the percentage is added to the section title. This is regardless of whether the percentages are shown for the individual ingredients.

    Note: In the Ingredient Statement Rule > Sections grid, click the Drilldown button in the Section column to display the subsection grid for that section.