Publishing locations
Specify the publishing paths in the DOCUMENT.ATTACHMENT File Location.
- The
entry is optional. It defines the default location for all published attachments. - You can designate separate publishing paths for different objects and Doc codes.
- Use object
(for exampleITEM.@DFLT
) to place the attachments for all function codes for an object in one directory. - Use
) if a function code requires its own directory. - Avoid using mapped drives. Use UNC file paths instead.
When you save the attachments in the object’s form, those attachments are published. They are published to the file location that is designated in DOCUMENT.ATTACHMENT.
In this example, the Formula attachments for the
Doc code are published to this server location:
\\us-sbo-qa8\docs. In Windows Explorer, you can see
a timestamp for these files. The timestamp keeps the update versions unique.
The version number is not visible to
users, but it is visible in the publishing location.