Dosage compliance
The term dosage refers to the concentration of a manufactured material in another formula. For example, fragrance manufacturers develop a formula for lemon scent. This scent is sold to companies that make products such as sun screen, body wash or even candles.
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) guideline for cold-pressed lemon oil may be used to make the lemon scent. This guideline stipulates the concentration of lemon oil. It cannot exceed 2% for a dosage up to 20% for any product that touches the skin and does not wash off.
For a dosage to be in compliance, it must be determined if this criteria is met:
- Is the substance regulated, such as by the IFRA?
- Is the quantity of the dosage in compliance?
- Are concentrations in the formula within the tolerance for compliance?
Within formulation, you can manage the dosage quantities to be IFRA-compliant. In addition, you can use the system to verify compliance with other regulations specified by such agencies as the:
- Flavors and Extracts Manufacturers Association (FEMA)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Council of Europe (COE)