Search <Object> forms in the Web Client

The Search <Object> forms support standard script hooks, such as PreSave, PostLoad, PreSearch, and PostSearch.

During the execution of a search, three custom events are fired:

  • PreSearch
  • PreSearchExecute
  • PostSearch

These events use the base class for the FcProcFuncSetEventSearch script hook. This script hook provides the script with additional context information about the search that is being executed. The system administrator has the ability to alter the search results.

Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Class HookScript

 Inherits FcProcFuncSetEventHook 
 Function PostLoad() As Long
 MessageList("PostLoad Event")
 Return 0

 End Function

 Function PreSave() As Long
 MessageList("PreSave Event")
 Return 0
 End Function
 Function PreSearch() As Long
 ' Use this script event for any DDL operations with the database, like creating a
 ' special index, or custom criteria table.
 ' This event is executed outside of the DB Transaction that the search is 
 ' executed. This event is executed prior to Optiva examining any of the search
 ' criteria. You may alter the criteria values here as needed.
MessageList("PreSearch Event")
 Return 0 ' Return a negative value to cancel the search.
 End Function

 Function PreSearchExecute() As Long
 ' This event is executed after Optiva has examined all of the criteria, and has
 ' generated the search SQL statement, but has not executed that statement yet.
 ' You may alter this SQL, and Optiva can optionally use the updated SQL.

 MessageList("PreSearchExecute Event")
 MessageList("Criteria SQL: " & SearchSQL)
 SearchSQL &= " Modifying the Search SQL Here." 

 MessageList("Updated Criteria SQL: " & SearchSQL)
 ' Return a negative value to cancel the search.
 ' Return a 1 to tell Optiva to use the new SQL stored in the SearchSQL variable.
 Return 0 
 End Function

 Function PostSearch() As Long
 ' This event is executed after Optiva has populated the search result table, 
 ' but before the search result Views have been populated.

 ' You can examine the search result table via the ResultTableRead method.
 ' You can update the contents of the search result table via the 
 ' ResultTableUpdate method.
MessageList("PostSearch Event")
 MessageList("Criteria SQL: " & SearchSQL)
 Dim Results As DataTable = ResultTableRead("ZZFORMULASEARCHHOOKREAD1", Nothing,
 If Results Is Nothing Then
 MessageList("No result table returned from ResultTableRead")
 MessageList("ResultTableRead returned " & Results.Rows.Count.ToString() & " rows.")
 End If
 Dim rc As Integer = ResultTableUpdate("ZZFORMULASEARCHHOOKADD1", New List(Of String) 

 From {"9999341"}, Nothing)
 MessageList("Return from ResultTableUpdate: " & rc.ToString())

 Dim ResultConfirm As DataTable = ResultTableRead("ZZFORMULASEARCHHOOKREAD1",
 Nothing, Nothing)
 If ResultConfirm Is Nothing Then
 MessageList("No result confirmation table returned from ResultTableRead")
 MessageList("ResultTableRead returned " & ResultConfirm.Rows.Count.

 ToString() & "confirmation rows.")
 Return 1 ' Tells Optiva that the script has modified the number of rows in the search result tab
 End If
 Return 0
 End Function
End Class 

In the example above, ZZFORMULASEARCHHOOKREAD1 is the name of the FsQuery entry that you created.