
This API reads support files needed for the report, for example .xslt files.


ReadReportFile is used primarily for workflows to retrieve .xslt files and alter the XML that is being sent to the report.


Public Function ReadReportFile(fileName As String) As String 


This API reads a Web.config option to find the name of the Web Reports server. For example, <add key="SvcReportServerName" value="your server" /> .

This method retrieves the noted file from this location on the configured Web Reports server. (No file path is specified.) The data in that file is returned in a string.

The tenantID is the name that you see in the drop-down list of the Optiva Login page.


Create this Action:

Dim res As String = ReadReportFile(“Approve.txt”)

When you run the Action, a message is displayed. The message shows the contents of the noted file.