List of forms for Form Security

This table lists the forms that can be configured for form security by role.

Description Form Name Field Description
ACL by Object FRMACLBYOBJECT Use this form to assign security for one object at a time to various users, groups, roles.
ACL by User/Group/Role FRMACLBYUSER Use this form to assign security for one user, group, role at a time to various objects.
Action FRMACTION Workflow events are scripted in the Action form.
Action Set FRMACTIONSET Use this form to compile actions into a logical workflow.
Advanced Project Management FRMPROJECTMGMT Used to manage workflow tasks for stage gate action sets. This form provides users access to the Gantt and Stage Gate forms.
Analysis FRMANALYSIS Use this form to configure the properties of analysis for a formula’s parameters.
Analysis Search FRMSEARCHANALYSIS Use this form to find analyses. You can search by code, servings, class, calculation rules, source data identifiers, result data identifier, status, creation and modification dates, sets, contexts and referenced objects.
Assign User FRMUSERASSIGN Used by Project Managers to assign more than one user to the same task. This form is displayed when the Assign event is part of an action or task to reassign a user, group or role.
Bulk Data Loader FRMBULKDATALOADER Use this form to migrate large amounts of legacy data into an Optiva database.
Change History FRMCHANGEHISTORY The Optiva administrator can configure the symbols to limit the historical data that is logged in the Optiva database and displayed in the Change History form. This form can be accessed from the object form by clicking the Change History toolbar icon.
Company FRMCOMPANY Use this form to enter information about companies involved in your production process or use companies to set up internal departments.
Company Search FRMSEARCHCOMPANY Use this form to find companies that are customers, vendors, testers, manufacturers.
Compare FRMCOMPARE The generic Compare form enables you to compare the ingredients and parameters of one object to another.
Configuration Transporter Template FRMCONFIGTRANSPORTERTEMPLATE Use this form to create your own templates for use with the Configuration Transporter Tool form.

The template identifies what types of objects should be treated as configuration data. A default template, STARTER, is provided in the seed database.

Configuration Transporter Tool FRMCONFIGTRANSPORTERTOOL Use this form to migrate data from one Optiva database for use in another Optiva database. This form is accessible from the XML Export form.
Configure Templates FRMCONFIGURETEMPLATES In the Configure Template page, the administrator can complete these tasks for each role: specify the fields and captions that are shown on the Main tab and Security tab for the object class, specify the tabs that are displayed to the user, restrict the function codes that are shown for notes, attachments, and embedded images, specify the tree references that are shown to the user, and revert all changes made to any role and class by clicking the Delete button.
Copy Method FRMCOPYMETHOD Use copy methods to control the properties of new or copied objects to make them different than during a traditional copy event.
Create Rule FRMCREATEMETHOD Use this form to define the naming conventions that can be applied to new formulas and other Optiva objects.
Extension Table Definition FRMDATAMATRIX Use this form to configure a extension table for these object forms: Formula, Item, Project, Specification, Label Content, Workflows in Progress, Company and Lab.
Daily Value Rule FRMDVRULE Use this form to assign a recommended daily value constant to a parameter.
Degradation Rule FRMDEGRADATIONRULE Use this form to assign a constant to a parameter that defines the shelf life and length of time after which nutrition properties have degraded.
Dependent Field Cross Reference FRMCUSTOMFIELDCROSSREF Use this form to derive the value of one extension field from another.
Email Template FRMEMAILTEMPLATE Use this page to create email templates to be sent for use with the Notify function.
Enumerated List FRMENUMLIST Use this form to define the entries for drop-down lists (Enumerated lists) that are used in Optiva.
Equation FRMEQUATION Use this form to create equations, which can take parameter or item values from a formula for the purpose of calculating other parameters.
Export XML FRMEXPORT Use this form to export data into an XML file by specifying the objects to be exported and the amount of detail for object attributes.
Field Label FRMFIELDLABEL Use this form to rename the data field labels that you see in Optiva, to match the names your company uses.
File Location FRMFILELOCATION Use this form to specify the file name, file path, and user access for files that are used by Optiva.
Form Label FRMFORMLABEL Use this form to rename the form and menu labels you see in Optiva, to match the names your company uses. You can add tool tips and replace grid property to define header labels for columns.
Formula FRMFORMULA Use this form to enter and modify your formulas.
Formula Adjust FRMFORMULAADJUST Use this form to adjust the quantity of items in a formula to get to the target value of a parameter.
Formula Guideline FRMFORMULAGL Use this form to search for guidelines associated with items in formulas that you specify.
Formula Search FRMSEARCHFORMULA Use this form to search for formulas that meet specified search properties (criteria).
Global Calc FRMGLOBALCALC Use this form to calculate all formulas returned by a search (and the sub-formulas that include them).
Guideline Search FRMSEARCHGRSTMT Use this form to search for existing guidelines and restrictions statements.
Import XML FRMIMPORTXMLRUN Use this form to import data from an XML file tagged with Optiva XML import tags.
Ingredient Replace FRMFORMULAREPLACE Use this form to replace the ingredient with a different material or formula in some or all formulas within a lab.
Ingredient Statement FRMLABEL Use this form to create ingredient statements for formulas.
Ingredient Statement Rules FRMLABELRULE Use this form to configure constraints for items appearing on ingredient statements.
Item FRMITEM Use this form to specify the characteristics of an item.
Item Contributions FRMITEMCONTRIBUTIONS View the parameter contributions from items in the formula and sub-formulas.
Item Guidelines and Restrictions FRMGRITEM Use this form to define the guidelines and restrictions for an item.
Item Label Alias Form FRMITEMLABELALIAS Use this form to manage ingredients for many rules.
Item Reconstitution Rule Form FRMITEMCONVERTRULE Use this form to specify the logic for labeling the components of reconstituted items.
Item Search FRMSEARCHITEM Use this form to search for items that meet specified search properties (criteria).
Lab Definition FRMLABDEFINITION The lab represents business units or departments and is a subset of Optiva data that is related to the product being developed.
Label Claim Definition FRMLABELCLAIMDEF This form is the first step in creating a product label claim.
Label Claim FRMLABELCLAIM This form is a collection of label claim rules.
Label Claim Rule FRMLABELCLAIMRULE This form associates a label claim definition with a parameter code.
Label Content FRMLABELCONTENT Use this form to pull together many components for a product label that come from other Optiva objects.
Label Content Search FRMSEARCHLABELCONTENT Use this form to find label content objects based on many criteria. You can search by code, address, servings, class, ingredient statements, nutrition values, status, creation and modification dates, sets, contexts and referenced objects.
Label Search FRMSEARCHLABEL Use this form to search for statements. You can search by name. Use this form to create multiple text statements that are identified by a group name. and description, creation date, ingredient text, formula that is assigned to the statement and sets.
Label Statement Group FRMLABELSTMT
Language FRMLANGUAGE Using the LanguageUse this form to create multiple text statements that are page, you define the language codes that are shown in the Enumerated List page.
Location FRMLOCATION Use the Location form to define sites where manufacturing and selling activities take place.
Lookup Set FRMLOOKUPSETS The Lookup Set form can be used to configure references, views, search results, and lookups.
Menu FRMMENU Using this page, you can configure the menu structure.
Message Code FRMMESSAGECODE You can customize existing error messages or informational messages, or create new messages in the Message Code form.
Object Test Plan FRMOBJECTTESTPLAN Use this form to enter a list of parameters and tests for an object.
Parameter Value Rounding FRMPARAMROUNDRULE Use this form to assign a rounding rule to a parameter and override the default direction.
Parameter Guidelines and Restrictions FRMGRPARAM Use this form to define the guidelines and restrictions for a parameter.
Parameters FRMPARAMETER Use this form to establish parameters.
Pending Tasks FRMACTIONTASK Use this form to view and process workflow tasks that are assigned to you, your group or your role.
Phrase Edit FRMPHRASE Use this form to define safety phrases for reports.
Profile FRMPROFILE Use this form to specify the system-wide values for the profile attributes.
Project Search FRMSEARCHPROJECT Use this form to search for projects. You can search by name and description (or part of these with a wildcard *), status, dates, supervisor and contacts, sets and context information.
Projects FRMPROJECT Use this form to define projects, sometimes called programs.
Query FRMQUERY Create queries used to return objects for lookups, views, references, and search results.
Quick Search FRMQUICKSEARCHEX Use this form to run a quick search with pre-configured properties from the Search <object> form.
Quick Search Setup FRMQUICKSEARCH Beginning in 12.1.4, this form is used only to migrate historical objects. Optiva administrators must use the Search <object> forms to configure criteria.
Role security definitions FRMROLE Roles define various levels of security for the forms and objects in Optiva.
Rounding Rule Definition FRMROUNDRULEDEF Use this form to configure qualifiers and nearest values for rounding quantities.
Sample FRMSAMPLE Use this form to define a test sample of either a formula or an item.
Sample Search FRMSEARCHSAMPLE Use this form to find samples that match a specific criteria.
Scale Formula Ingredients to new Item Quantity FRMFORMULASCALEKEYITEM Use this form to scale all of a formula’s items when a new quantity is specified for one or more of the formula's items.
Scale Formula Ingredients to new Yield FRMFORMULASCALE Use this form to scale a formula to a new yield. Items that are marked "no scaling" do not scale.
Script Library FRMSCRIPTLIBRARY Use this page to create custom scripts that can be called from a workflow action, copy method, equation and symbol script.
Search Item Guidelines and Restrictions FRMSEARCHGRITEM Use this form to search for existing item guidelines and restrictions.
Search Parameter Guidelines and Restrictions FRMSEARCHGRPARAM Use this form to search for existing parameter guidelines and restrictions.
Sequence Editor FRMSEQUENCE Use this form to alter the sequence number of a sequence created by a Create Rule.
Set Maintenance FRMSETMAINT N/A
Shop Calendar FRMCALENDAR These calendars define the workdays, non-workdays, working hours per day, and any overrides for a specific location or user.
Show all Descriptions in all Languages FRMLANGUAGEDESCRIPTION You can configure Optiva to display parameter descriptions in different languages in the Description Language dialog.
Specification FRMSPECIFICATION Use this form to define the goal of the formulation and manufacturing processes.
Specification Compare FRMFORMULACOMPARE.B N/A
Specification Search FRMSEARCHSPECIFICATION Use this form to search for existing specifications that meet the specified search criteria.
Standard Guideline FRMGRSTATEMENTSTD Use this form to set up generic guidelines that are reused for specific items and parameters.
Start a workflow FRMACTIONSETSTART Use this form to begin a workflow.
Symbol FRMSYMBOL Use the Symbol form to configure the attributes and capabilities of a symbol.
Test FRMTEST Use this form to define tests that measure specific parameters of formulas and items.
Test Order FRMTESTORDER Use this form to create a test order or work order for tests that are run for a formula or item.
Test Order Search FRMSEARCHTESTORDER Use this form to find test orders. You can search by alphanumerics in the test order code, comments and judgements recorded for the orders, tests, testers, and dates within the orders. You can also search by references to lab notebooks, sample data, parameters for test conditions or results and current status of the test orders.
Test Result Entry Form FRMTESTRESULT Use this form to view the results for a sample, test, or test order and enter actual values for test parameters and conditions.
Test Search FRMSEARCHTEST Use this form to find all tests that match specific criteria. You can search by code or description (or part of these with a wildcard *), test status, owner, creation date and sets. You can also search by standard tests that are referenced by the test, parameters for test conditions and parameters for test results measurements.
Test Template entry defaults FRMTESTTEMPLATE N/A
Units of measure FRMUOM Use this form when defining a unit of measure (UOM).
UOM Type FRMUOMTYPE Use this form to define a Unit of Measure (UOM) Type (Area, Mass, Temp etc.).
User Group FRMUSERGROUP Use this form to define user groups.
User Load Tool FRMUSERLOAD Used by Project Managers to review the task assignments for their employees.
User Setup FRMUSERSETUP Use this form to define Optiva users. You can also assign them to roles and groups for security and workflow purposes, and to define some profile attributes specific to the user.
Validation FRMVALIDATION Use the Validation form to change the validation checking that is performed for most columns in Optiva.
View Filters FRMVIEWFILTER Use this form to define filtered lists of workflow tasks, parameters, ingredients, attached documents, and extension fields and assign security to these lists.
Visual WorkFlow FSFRMVISUALWORKFLOW Access this page from the Project Management page. You can view the steps in the action set in a flowchart.
Web Label FRMWEBLABELS Using this form, you can customize labels by language code.
Wizard FRMWIZARD You can use Wizards to complete workflow tasks. Wizards can also be used instead of Create Rules to create formulas, items, projects, and specifications in Optiva. Wizards are ideal for new users. The system administrator can simplify the process by pre-filling fields. Wizards can be configured to show only the fields that users must complete. Users can exit a wizard before they complete all of the workflow tasks. They can return, at a later date, to complete the remaining steps.
Workflows in Progress FRMACTIONWIP Use this form to view the status of workflows, both in process and complete.
Search Ingredient Statements FRMSEARCHLABEL Use this form to search for statements. You can search by name and description, creation date, ingredient text and, formula that is assigned to the statement and sets.

List of obsolete forms for Form Security

Windows Search with the naming convention FRM<ObjectSymbol>SEARCH are now obsolete. Windows Object searches and web object searches have similar form names, but are different forms. The search forms for Windows Objects must be replaced in an upgrade.

Description Form Name Field Description
Analysis Search FRMANALYSISSEARCH Use this form to search for analyses that meet specified search properties (criteria).
Archive Set Form FRMARCHIVESET Configure properties of objects and timing for the archive process. Start or stop an archive process and view results.
Classify Objects by Set FRMOBJECTSETS Use this dialog box to assign an object to a set that describes the object’s overall purpose.
Company Search FRMCOMPANYSEARCH Use this form to find companies that are customers, vendors, testers, manufacturers.
Context Attributes FRMOBJECTCONTEXT Context information defines these attributes that are related to a finished product: where the product will be sold (Selling Location), where the product will be manufactured (Manufacturing Location), the brand name (Brand), the type of product (Product Type), how the product will be used (End Use) and the types of users of the product (End Users).
Document FRMDOCUMENT Use this dialog box to attach text, external files and websites to your Optiva objects.
Embedded Object Dialog FRMEMBEDDEDOBJECTS Use the Embedded Objects dialog box to attach images as digital image files to be used in reports and packaging labels.
Form Groups FRMFORMGROUP Use the Form Group form to rearrange and rename Optiva’s menu structure of modules and forms.
Form Navigator FRMFORMNAVIGATOR Use the Navigator to open any of the components within each Optiva module.
Formula Modeler FRMFORMULAGROUP Use this form to edit several single-level formulas in one window.
Formula Multi-Level Ingred FRMFORMULABOM N/A
Formula Search FRMFORMULASEARCH Use this form to search for formulas that meet specified search properties (criteria).
Formula Tree FRMFORMULATREE Use this dialog box to view formulas that use the current formula.
Formula Where Used FRMFWHEREUSED Use this form to identify where a formula or item is used.
G&R Parameter Guideline FRMGRSTATEMENTTP Use this form to assign standard guidelines to specific parameters and to substitute values for the variables of the standard guidelines.
Guideline Search FRMGRSTATEMENTSEARCH You can use this form to search for existing guidelines and restrictions.
Ingredient Statement Search FRMLABELSEARCH You can use the Search Ingredient Statements form to search for ingredient statements. You can search by ingredient statement name, description, ingredient text, formulas that are assigned to the ingredient statement. You can also search by the creation date of the ingredient statement, sets, status, context and references.
Item Contributions FRMITEMCONTRIBUTION View the parameter contributions from items in the formula and sub-formulas.
Item Guideline FRMGRSTATEMENT Use this form to define the guidelines and restrictions for an item.
Label Content Search FRMLABELCONTENTSEARCH Use this form to find label content objects. You can search by code, address, servings, class, ingredient statements, nutrition values, status, creation and modification dates, sets, contexts and referenced objects.
Object Security FRMOBJECTSECURITY This dialog enables you to see security for objects, including the default object.
Object Status FRMOBJECTSTATUS This dialog box displays status information about an object.
Pending Tasks FRMPENDINGTASK Use this form to view and process workflow tasks that are assigned to you, your group or your role.
Project Search FRMPROJECTSEARCH Use this form to search for projects. You can search by name and description (or part of these with a wildcard *), status, dates, supervisor and contacts, sets and context information.
Quick Search FRMQUICKSEARCHEX Use this form to launch a quick search with pre-configured properties from the Quick Search configuration form.
Quick Search Definition FRMQUICKSEARCH Configure properties for specific searches, with values that are locked or can be changed by the user.
Reorder Rows FRMREORDERROWS This dialog box enables you to change the order of rows in a table.
Sample Search FRMSAMPLESEARCH Use this form to find samples that match a specific criteria.
Specification Search FRMSPECSEARCH N/A
Test Order Search FRMTESTORDERSEARCH Use this form to find test orders. You can search by alphanumerics in the test order code, comments and judgements recorded for the orders, tests, testers, and dates within the orders. You can also search by references to lab notebooks, sample data, parameters for test conditions or results and current status of the test orders.
Test Search FRMTESTSEARCH Use this form to find all tests that match specific criteria. You can search by code or description (or part of these with a wildcard *), test status, owner, creation date and sets. You can also search by standard tests that are referenced by the test, parameters for test conditions and parameters for test results measurements.