Report XML template (FsWebReportTemplate.xml)

Optiva provides a template for the XML job file, named FsWebReportTemplate.xml. The report template is a starting point for report information and can be configured for the requirements of different reports. A report XML file defines report file properties, object and parameter data. Itidentifies the schemas that define the data types of all the fields in this file. There is a schema for the fields in the report file itself and a separate schema for each object in the file. The report XML file also includes the object data and is used during run-time to produce the report.

The report XML file is also known as a job file because it is used at run-time to run the report.

An empty sample report XML template (FsWebReportTemplate.xml) is installed into Inetpub\wwwroot\FsWebReports\Source.

FsWebReportsTemplate XML

Use this file as a starting point for each report. Workflow fills in the input parameters and the object data to create the run-time job file.

Web Report
Marker Description
1 Place holder for report properties. This is specified in the report schema.

The <name> must be the Crystal Reports rpt name. The <xmlstyle> must be WEBREPORT.

2 Place holder for report properties. This is specified in the report schema.
3 Schema for the fields in this job file.

Schema for each object in this job file. The XSD files should be listed with an absolute path or be in FsWebReports or FsWebReports\Source.


Placeholder for Optiva XML object data. XML files for objects are added here by Web Reports.