Types of items
- Material: manufactured items produced in your company
- Packaging: item involved in containing a product, such as a bottle, label, box, etc. The Material item mass quantity can be converted to the packaging quantity count through a UOM conversion type technical parameter.
- Process aid, discrete: items used for production such as filters, and measured using the Count unit of measure.
- Process aid, material: items used for production, such as dusting flour, and measured using mass or volume units of measure.
- Process: Reserved for future implementation.
- Instruction: informative text, such as safety warnings, mix times, reminders, test samplings.
- QC test: Reserved for future implementation.
- Raw Material: The basic ingredients that you use to create a formula. They can be standard raw materials, such as water and sugar. Or they can be purchased manufactured items that are not produced by your company.
- Grouping set: Used in the optional Optiva Labeling module to group items that are always used together.
- Overhead cost: Reserved for future implementation.