XSL Transform example

This script library and workflow script demonstrates how to perform an XSL Transform in a Secured Mode.

This sample script uses the ReadReportFile method to perform an XSL Transform. Instead of reading a file from disk or writing files to disk, the process is done in-memory.

This is an example of a workflow script that uses the sample script library:
Function wf_start() As Long
   Dim xmlOrig As String = ObjectXML(_ObjectSymbol, _ObjectKey, "HEADER")
   MessageList("XML Orig: ", xmlOrig)

   Dim helper As New XSLTransformHelper(Me)
   Dim xmlNew As String = helper.DoXSLTransform("AttributeRemove.xsl", xmlOrig)
   MessageList("XML New: ", xmlNew)

   Return 9111
End Function

XMLTransformHelper script library

This is the XMLTransformHelper script library that performs an XML Transform:

Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Xsl

   Private co As FcProcFuncSetEvent

   Public Sub New(ByRef context As FcProcFuncSetEvent)
          co = context
   End Sub

   Public Function DoXSLTransform(ByVal XSLTFileName As String, ByVal 
   XMLText As String) As String
          Dim xslText As String = co.ReadReportFile(XSLTFileName)
          If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xslText) Then
                 Throw New ArgumentNullException("XSLTFileName", 
                 "DoXSLTransform missing or blank XSLT stylesheet.")
          End If
          Dim xslTransform As New XslCompiledTransform()
                 Using srXSLT As New StringReader(xslText)
                       Using xrXSLT As XmlReader = 
                       End Using
                 End Using
          Catch exXSLT As Exception
                 Throw New Exception("DoXSLTransform: Failed to 
                 load XSLT stylesheet.", exXSLT)
          End Try

          Dim xmlOutBuilder As New StringBuilder
                 Using swXML As New StringWriter(xmlOutBuilder)
                       Dim wsXML As New XmlWriterSettings()
                       wsXML.OmitXmlDeclaration = True
                       Using xwXML As XmlWriter = 
                       XmlWriter.Create(swXML, wsXML)
                              Using srXML As New StringReader(XMLText)
                         Using xrXML As XmlReader = 
                                xslTransform.Transform(xrXML, xwXML)
                                     End Using
                              End Using
                       End Using
                 End Using
          Catch exXSLT As Exception
                 Throw New Exception("DoXSLTransform: Failed to 
                 transform.", exXSLT)
          End Try
          Return xmlOutBuilder.ToString()
   End Function
End Class

The XSL file must be in the folder that is configured by Web.Config before the XSL Transform.