
You can use this function for Optiva Workflows and Copy Methods.


Sends an email message to Optiva users. To attach a file, use SendMail.

You can configure an email group in Outlook mail. See the Infor PLM for Process Application Configuration Guide.


Dim variable As Long = Notify(User/Group/Role,TemplateCode[,Mode,User/Group/RoleIndi­
cator, CustomParameter1,CustomParameter2,...])


Part Description
User/Group/Role An Optiva user, group or role code that is enclosed in quotation marks; or a global argument without quotation marks. 1 addressee per Notify call.
Template Code Using the Email Template form, the system administrator can create the message in plain text format or HTML format.
Mode [Optional] 1- External SMTP server (Microsoft, Lotus Notes, UNIX). External notification requires the mail server process on the Application server. This entry is 1 by default; any other values for the mode are ignored.
User/Group/RoleIndicator Optional. Identify if the notify message is sent to:
  • 0 - User (default, if not indicated)
  • 1 - Role
  • 2 - Group
CustomParameter1, CustomParameter2,... Custom parameters included in the message. Include local or global variables as parameters in the notify message. In the template code, refer to the variable as [%n], where n is the number of the custom parameter.


Notify sends an email message to a user, all users in a group or all users of a role. The message is sent through an external email package that is SMTP compliant. When you run an action set with the Notify function, emails are only sent to users that do not have Deactivate Email selected. You must set up the Optiva profiles to use an external email package in workflow notifications. See the Infor CloudSuite PLM for Process Application Configuration Guide for the appropriate values. External notification requires the SMTP process on the Application server.

Notify sends messages to specific users, groups, or roles by their user names, group name, or role code. Messages can be sent to global users too. The messages are sent according to the individual's position in the workflow. For example, a lab director can require notification each time a formula is approved and sent to the director’s user name or a group. Or a message can be sent to the person who began the workflow, using the global variable _STARTUSER ; or to the person who clicked the button on the action, using the global variable _SOURCEUSER.