Detail codes

Detail codes can be used by functions such as ObjectXSD, ObjectXML, and ObjProperty. Business objects such as formulas, items, specifications, projects, and company, all use tags that are not special to other objects.

Detail Description Special To
ALTINGR Alternate ingredient Formula
ALTUM Alternate unit of measure Parameter
APPROVAL Approval Code for symbol Symbol
APPSETTINGS Application settings for user User
ATTACH Attached documents, files and URLs
BYPROD ByProduct Formula, Specification
CONTEXT Context Attributes
CUSTOM Extension field for objects.

Single-value extension fields are included in the Header data.

DEFAULTS Standard work time Shop Calendar
DOC Attached text for objects
EMBEDDED OBJECTS Embedded objects and images
EXCEPTIONS Work time overrides Shop Calendar
GRIDLAYOUT Table layouts User
GROUP User group User
INGR Ingredient for formula Formula, Specification
INGRMULTIRM Constituent of raw material FormulaAdjust
ITEMCONV Conversion rule for ingredient statement Item
LBLRULE Rule for ingredient statement Item
LINEEXP Explodes and combines like-item codes including raw materials but not the constituent ingredients. Does not show intermediate items and formulas.

Cannot be used with ObjProperty, ObjPropertySet or ObjectsXMLForeign.

LINEEXPRM Explodes and combines like-item codes including raw materials and their constituent ingredients. Does not show intermediate items and formulas.

Cannot be used with ObjProperty, ObjPropertySet or ObjectsXMLForeign.

LINELIST Explodes but does not combine like-item codes from any level. Explodes down to the constituent item level. The intermediate item codes, including raw materials that have constituent formulas, are shown.

Cannot be used with ObjProperty, ObjPropertySet or ObjectsXMLForeign.

LKUP SEARCHES Saved search for lookups Symbol
MATRIX Extension tables
NOTIFICATION Controls the loading and saving of notifications on fields.

You can also retrieve the current notifications by using ObjProperty or ObjectDataSet

Formatting the detail code data table is left to the scripting author.
Analysis, Analysis Search, Calendar, Company, Company Search, Formula, Formula Search, Global Calc, Guidelines Search, Item, Item Search, Item Guidelines and Restrictions Search, Ingredient Replace, Ingredient Statement, Ingredient Statement Rule, Item, Label Claim, Label Claim Definition, Label Claim Rule, Label Content, Label Content Search, Label Search, Label Statement Group,Parameter Guidelines and Restrictions Search, Project, Project Search, Rule, Sample, Sample Search, Specification Search, Test Search, Test Order Search, Specification, Test, Test Order, Workflow in Progress.
ORDERDTL2 Tests Test Order, Test Results
PER Security
PHRASETEXT Text for phrase Phrase
PROFILE Profile User
REF From the References tab
REFERENCE Reference code Symbol


Reference status Symbol
ROLE User Role User
SETS Set classification for symbol Symbol
ST Set membership
SYMDOC Attached document or embedded object. Symbol
TESTCOND Test condition Test Method
TPALL Parameter Formula, Item, Project
TP Parameter Specification
TP Parameter Values for all Rowtags Label Content
TPVAL Parameter Values per Rowtag Label Content

This information is added to the FsFormulaTechParam table:

  • any parameters for this formula
  • parameters for the lab that the formula belongs to, if those parameters are different than the formulas parameters

Parameter values for manufactured items are saved to the primary formula in the system. You can use the import function to update parameters for formulas of manufactured items.