Example of configuring derived fields

In this example, Color depends on Flavor.

  1. Specify all the primary and dependent values manually.
    • The users are going to select the primary value for the FLAVOR extension field from an enum list or lookup. In this example, the contents contain chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.
    • The dependent extension field for an object derives its value from the Primary Value.
    • If the same Primary Field Name exists in more than one symbol, this form activates its dependent fields for all the symbols.
    • To delete a cross-reference, remove a row. You cannot delete the table itself.

  2. After you define the cross-references, define the dependent fields in the Extensions tab for the symbol. The primary field (FLAVOR in this example) must be a single-value enum drop-list, enum query or lookup.

    The dependent field (COLOR in this example) must be a Derived Enum Style. Values not shown in this example are not relevant to the example.

    Field Column Entry
    Primary Dep Field 0, the default
    Primary Enum Style 2 Drop-list (Enum Ind = enum query, lookup code or enum val list)
    Dependent (derived) Dep Field 0
    Dependent (derived) Enum Style 5 Derived