Components of an ingredient statement

To produce an ingredient statement, these components are required:

Component Description
Items Ingredient statements use item types 1, 8, and 9.
Formula(s) Formulas provide the list of ingredients (i.e., items, groups, sub-items, or constituents) that are used as the basis for generating the ingredient statement.

Byproducts are also included in the ingredient statement. Suppose the item code for the byproduct matches an item code in the Item Lines tab of the Formula form; then the ingredient statement adjusts the quantity for the item automatically. (In other words, the byproduct quantity is subtracted from the original item quantity.)

Ingredient Statement Rule This rule identifies:
  • Sections that are displayed in the ingredient statements.
  • Text that is used for each ingredient.
  • How ingredients are sorted and displayed.
Ingredient Statement Using the ingredient statement object, you can:
  • Assign the formulas.
  • Add optional header and footer text
  • Make other minor adjustments to the order and inclusion of ingredients in the statement.
  • See the ingredient statement text after the rule has been applied and make changes to the statement text, if necessary.