
Creating Optiva reports is a technically advanced task. In preparation, you should familiarize yourself with XML standards, Crystal Reports, and Optiva workflows.

XML technology

Optiva Web Reports is based on XML technology. Therefore, a prerequisite to reading this guide and creating Optiva reports is a clear understanding of the following components of XML:
  • XML data files: structure, tags, syntax
  • XSD schemas: relationship to output XML data
  • XML parsers: requirements
  • XML applications: using XML to accomplish tasks
See www.w3schools.com and www.w3.org for more information.

Crystal reports

The Crystal Reports product consumes the XML produced in Optiva and generates output in report formats. See Crystal Reports documentation for more information about how to set up Crystal Reports to accept XML data.

Optiva workflow

You must know how to use Optiva workflows in order to run reports. Some functions directly relate to:
  • Creating the XML data
  • Creating the XSD schema files
  • Creating an XML job file with all of the data and references to the schemas