Generic functions

These generic functions are in the FSLIBIDMHELPER script library.


This generic function creates an Xquery for the user. The input parameters are specified in the scripting function.
getIDMXQuery(DocCode As String, objSymbol As String, objKey As String, filename As String) As String
Input Parameter Description
DocCode Document Code
objSymbol Optiva Symbol
objKey Optiva Object ID
filename File Name (optional)


Use this function to get the IDM document count from a given Document Code, Object Symbol and Object Key.
GetDocCount(DocCode As String, objSymbol As String, objKey As String) As Long
Input Parameter Description
DocCode The IDM Doc Code to count documents from.

The Optiva Object Symbol that to count documents from.

For example, the symbol for the source object can be a Formula or an Item.


The Optiva Object to count documents from.

For example, ITEM001 or FORMULA1\0001.


Use this function to get the IDM Documents from a given Doc Code, Object Symbol and Object Key.
GetDocuments(DocCode As String, objSymbol As String, objKey As String, filename As String) As DocICP.CMItems
Input Parameter Description
DocCode The IDM Doc Code to get documents from.
objSymbol The Optiva Object Symbol to get documents from. For example, the symbol for the source object can be a Formula or an Item.
objKey Optiva Object ID to get documents from. For example, ITEM001 or FORMULA1\0001.
filename The file name of the IDM documents.


Use this function to get all IDM Documents for a given Document Code, Object Symbol and Object Key.
GetDocuments(idmQuery As String) As DocICP.CMItems
Input Parameter Description
idmQuery An IDM Query to search for IDM Documents in IDM and retrieve the documents.


Use this function to get the IDM Document from a Doc Code, Object Symbol and Object Key.
GetDocument(DocCode As String, objSymbol As String, objKey As String, filename As String) As DocICP.CMItem
Input Parameter Description
DocCode The IDM Doc Code to get the document from.
objSymbol The Optiva Object Symbol to get the document from.

The Optiva Object to get the document for given Doc Code from.

For example, ITEM001 or FORMULA1\0001.

filename The file name of the IDM Document.


Use this function to delete the IDM Document for a Document Code associated to an object.
DeleteDocument(DocCode As String, objSymbol As String, objKey As String, filename As String)
Input Parameter Description
DocCode The IDM Doc Code to delete the document from.
objSymbol The Optiva Object Symbol to delete the document from. For example, the symbol for the source object can be a Formula or an Item.

The Optiva Object to delete the document from.

For example, ITEM001 or FORMULA1\0001.

filename The file name of the IDM Document.


Use this function to copy the specified IDM Document. It will return the new copy of IDM Document.

MakeItemCopy (cmItemToCopy As DocICP.CMItem) As DocICP.CMItem 
Input Parameter Description
DocItem The IDM document (CMItem) to be copied.


Use this function to copy the specified IDM Documents. It will return the new copy of IDM Documents.

MakeItemsCopy (cmItemsToCopy As DocICP.CMItems) As DocICP.CMItems 
Input Parameter Description
DocItems The IDM document (CMItems) to be copied.


Use this function to import the ION API file from a specific file path. It will configure IDM in the present database.

ImportIDMConfig (ionAPIFileName As String) As Boolean
Input Parameter Description

This is a file path that contains the ION API file and the file name.

This is an example of a file path with the ION API file:

APIFileName = "D:\MyProject\Infor_HomepagesWidgetSDK\IDM_inhyvwminglexi1.ionapi"