Configuring Optiva for phrases

  1. In the Symbol form, add some classification sets to the PHRASE symbol. This table shows some examples.
    Set Code Description Template
    FLAMMABILITY Flammability Classification No
    INGESTION Ingestion Classification No
    INHALATION Inhalation Classification No
  2. In the Query form, create a query to retrieve the phrase codes for a parameter query lookup.

    For this example, the name of the query is ENUMPHRASEFLAMMABLE. This query retrieves the phrase codes for the FLAMMABILITY classification set.

    Select P.Phrase_Code, P.Description From FsPhrase P, FsPhraseSets S
    Where P.Logical_Delete = 0
    And P.Phrase_Code > '@ZZZ'
    And P.Phrase_Code = S.Phrase_Code
    And S.Set_Code = 'FLAMMABILITY'
    Order By P.Phrase_Code
  3. In the Parameter form, create the phrase parameters. For example, the name of one phrase parameter can be FLAMMABILITY. Then, specify this criteria for the parameter.
    Field Value
    Parameter Type Summed Character Info, Numeric Min, Numeric Max
    Calc Ind all calc
    Equation Ind none
    Missing Values Rollup as null
    Data Type Phrase
    Set Indicator Enum
    Enumeration Indicator Enum Query
    Style Multi-value drop-list
    Query The name of the query that you created. For this example, the value is ENUMPHRASEFLAMMABLE.
  4. Add the parameter to a lab. For this example, assign the FLAMMABILITY parameter to the Rollup filter in the GLOBAL lab. Now, you are ready to create the phrases and assign them to items.